1. Мitfahrgelegenheit.de is a website where you can find fellow travelers who are traveling to Germany (or are going to pass through the country as part of European travel).
2. Нolidaypad.net — a housing search service in any country of the world for those who like to travel with imagination and do not like to stay in banal ordinary hotels. How about underwater hotels, a night in a wigwam or a week in a medieval castle? Or maybe you like spending the night in a houseboat, an old bomb shelter or in a flying saucer? Then this site will definitely suit you!
3. Viamichelin.com — a service where you can plot a route, calculate fuel costs and fare on toll roads, estimate the budget for restaurants and hotels, print a map of a future trip, etc.
4. Ryanair.com/en is the website of the largest budget airline, whose planes fly all over Europe. Its peculiarity is that this carrier has never had accidents on flights with the death of passengers. In addition to booking tickets, you can also book a hotel, rent a car and order a number of other little things related to your trip.
5. Сouchsurfing.org – registration on this site will allow you to find a free place to stay for the night in almost any city on the globe in a couple of minutes. Do you like solo trips, «hangouts » in new unfamiliar places and extraordinary interlocutors and just interesting people? This way for you.
6. Neweuropetours.eu — a website with a free tour from volunteers. As part of the ordered tour, upon arrival in the city, the user receives a 3-hour walking tour of one of the largest cities in Europe with sightseeing. The language of the tour is English. Excursions are offered for London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Amsterdam, Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Prague, Paris, Madrid and a number of other cities.
7. Тouring.de – a website for ordering bus tours from Germany throughout Europe.
8. dontforgetyourtoothbrush.com — if you often forget to collect the necessary things and little things for a trip, then this site will definitely help you to collect everything, everyone and for everyone, so that the trip is without inconvenience and loss.
And what little-known, but extremely useful sites for travelers do you know?