A small but quite interesting book by Sir Ken Robinson (creator of the TED conferences) on how to find and not lose your vocation in life.
The book of one of the greatest enlighteners of the new time pleased — if anyone knows about education, then this someone is definitely Sir Ken. Ken Robinson received a knighthood precisely for his services in the field of education and enlightenment, he is a real warrior of pen and chalk.
The book simply and clearly tells about the search for a Vocation and its role in life. As usual, you can read sammari and understand what the book is about. But now I'll tell you about it:
In a word, we can recommend the book to readers who believe that they are not doing what they should (for, so to speak, artists at heart) — it will help them open up. For everyone else, the book will just be a pleasant and interesting read.
Rating: 7 out of 10.
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