Not so long ago, Evernote, together with the notebook manufacturer Moleskine, announced a new paper notebook integrated with Evernote technologies. The essence of integration is revealed in this video:
In short, we are offered 3 months of an Evernote Premium account, paper "improved for photographing", special stickers that are recognized by Evernote cloud as tags for further sorting. The solution costs $25 and will work for 3 months. So in a year of owning such a notebook, it will cost us $ 100.
We decided to think and understand how it is possible to get an offline notebook, pictures and handwritten text in which they would be amenable to automated sorting for free or for much less money. And we found it :)
If you want your drawings and handwritten notes to be catalogued, then just use a few printed letters next to the entry entered in Evernote. Any notebook will do.
Here are a couple of records on which I conducted tests. I've made two handwritten task lists that no Evernote recognizes (it's not required!). They got into the cloud using a phone camera. They are titled with neatly written labels LH and sport.
The recordings were uploaded to Evernote individually and indexed a couple of minutes later.
Now, when searching for the LH tag, I get what I marked on paper with them:
A regular notepad and a regular pen were used. As for the free Premium account that comes with notepad, you only need it if you put a lot of things in Evernote, as well as for simple sharing of records. The standard cost of a Premium account on the Evernote website is $45/year. When buying on A premium account for a year will cost you 990 rubles for a year! :)
A simple and very affordable solution, don't you think?