Twitter, Twitter, Twitter... I hear "go to Twitter" more often now than "go to ICQ". Twitter has become a universal social information stream that can compete in popularity with the media and IM. However, the online service itself is not so convenient to use, and therefore we all use programs that expand the standard Twitter capabilities. Mixero is a new Twitter client, which, according to its developers, is a universal information exchange program of a new generation.
The program runs on Adobe Air, which means that it is available in Windows, macOS and Linux. The most important thing that can attract Mixero is convenient work with groups and an unusual interface that contributes to this. The program window can be divided into three zones. On the right are all your sources, in the center is a panel of groups, streams, search results, and on the left is an information stream generated by a group or contact. The entire stream can be divided into incoming and outgoing messages. All sources are for channels and contacts. Each panel can be closed or collapsed. Moreover, the entire program conveniently collapses into small panels corresponding to the viewed streams of information. It's damn convenient to use them.
Directs and replays are shown, as well as the last message in the group and the number of messages. Each group can be separated from the main window and even placed on top of all windows.
Mixero works with Twitter short link and picture services, automatically shortening the first and inserting the second. The program is still in testing, and its distribution is through invites. I received an invite within two days, just by following the Twitter feed of the program (it came by direct).
Program Twitter: @mixero | Program Blog: / | Download Mixero:
The authors of the Demo blog: @woofer_kyyiv, @tiaurus