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The real boss is a sucker: AI generated Elon Musk's baby and the photo went viral

09 Jun 2023, 00:00, parser
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An image with Elon Musk in infancy is being distributed on the network. At first, some users thought that this was a real photo, but later everything fell into place – it was generated by a neural network.

The children's photo shows a baby in a white shirt, a business brown jumpsuit and with a signature hairstyle — as befits a billionaire. It was published by a Twitter user under the nickname Not Jerome Powell.

Image: @alifarhat79 / Twitter

"Elon Musk was reportedly working on some anti-aging technology, but it got out of control," he signed his post, which has already gained more than 60 thousand likes and almost 2 thousand comments.

The CEO of Tesla also did not stay away. "Guys, I think maybe I took too much", — wrote Musk.

Netizens also appreciated the work of AI. Some note that it depicts a "real boss-sucker", and the hero from the cartoon of the same name is just a pathetic parody.

"I wonder how close it is to his real childhood photos", — curious Texas Rebel.

"Will be able to fly to Mars later", — ironically DomDotCom.

And how do you feel about such experiments with AI? Write in the comments.

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