The material below was sent by our reader and this is how he sees getting rid of sticking in social networks. The opinion is radical, but it does not exactly coincide with the opinion of the editorial board. If you disagree or support the author, then just let me know in the comments.
How many times have they told the world that social networks are an absolute evil that destroys and kills your life, steals your precious time like a thief, and makes you a social hamster Durov. But you still haven't found freedom from this evil, and your hands are still constantly reaching for the cozy icon of Vkontakte? Congratulations, now in your hands — a unique working technique, which we give you completely free of charge, according to a special promotion «Week of Kindness ».
Just three simple steps, and in just a few days you will rise to a previously unprecedented level of freedom, which can even shock inveterate contactees. Just three steps to happiness and success that will change your world. Here they are:
It's no secret that VKontakte has the largest music database on the Internet. Therefore, it is music that is one of the anchors that chain you, like a slave, to social networks, forcing you to go there again and again for a new dose of audio drugs.
Therefore, — gather your will into a fist, and take the first step towards liberation. Just stop listening to music and that's it. Just hour after hour, day after day, don't stop reminding yourself that no music exists for you anymore. Yes, in the first days there will be drug addict breakdowns, but then it will be easier and easier to adapt to this shining new level of freedom.
Like a drug addict, every now and then you allow yourself to relax and have fun. Someone is sitting in a virtual prison for this, and someone is laughing at rage comics on school topics. But it's time to just tell yourself enough is enough! I want freedom!». And stop doing what you did before. Yes, the withdrawal pangs of an addict will be even stronger, but over time you will simply get out of the habit of relaxing and enjoying life, and in return you will get a whole bunch of free time! And this is a worthy reward!
And here it is, the most important, royal, third step to absolute freedom. Why else do you need social networks? That's right, for sociality! It is she who is the drug and the chains that bind you in social slavery and dependence. But this step is the simplest, and you will even laugh at its simplicity, because in your heart you have always dreamed of something like this.
To begin with, try to quarrel with some one of your friends, whom you hate the most. Just send him to the figs, and just delete him from all social networks, and from your whole life. And then, like a collapsing avalanche, in the same way, remove all your friends from all social networks, and from your life, and enjoy this pleasant feeling of strength and freedom! Oh, yes, now you are a cool asocial! Like Dr. House, or like other cool movie characters!
Now you are no longer chained to the use of social networks. And now there won't even be a thought about contact or something like that. And here it is, perfect freedom.
What to do next? You can, for example, meditate. Meditate deeply. That's how you will grow from an office social worker to a diamond block of a shining Buddha.
Good luck to you in freeing yourself from social networks, and in gaining freedom.