Some time ago, I installed the "Einstein Quotes every Day" app on my iPad. Turning to his wisdom, I never cease to be surprised at the scale of this incredible personality in the history of mankind. Imagine such an Albert who studied poorly, dropped out of school at the first opportunity, formulated his theory in his spare time and received the Nobel Prize for his contribution to theoretical physics. In a word — wow!
It is a bit of a pity that during my studies at the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum I was not told everything that I discovered about this unique personality recently. Below I want to share the amazing lessons that this scientist taught me.
I don't have any special talent. I'm just passion as curious.
What makes you most curious? For example, I am interested in serial entrepreneurship and the principles of creating successful companies. I can read about it for hours. Over time, my curiosity grew into several online companies and the decision to leave the hired sphere. Once I sowed a seed of curiosity, I grew a big tree out of it, in the shade of which I want to be.
It's not because I'm so smart. This is all due to the fact that I do not give up for a long time when solving a problem.
Remember how persistent you are in solving important tasks. Are you ready to go to the last until you reach your goal? To achieve what is intended, and not to give up in case of failure — this is probably one of the most important features of a successful person. Even if achieving your goal requires a lot of time, by all means start today.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl simply does not pay proper attention to the kiss.
Think about how some little thing like a nuisance at work can knock the ground out from under your feet. The working day is over, and you are only thinking about it. You walk down the street and do not notice the fireworks; an incredibly delicious dish that your loved one has prepared for you is swallowed in between and so on. Tomorrow you will solve your problem, but how to get back what you lost today? How do I get the time back? Try to learn to appreciate the wonderful moments and disconnect from everything unimportant.
Imagination is everything. It is able to show us in advance how events will develop. Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Steve Jobs introduced Apple, and there is nothing better than its gadgets today. Lee Kuan Yew created the Singapore superpower when there was nothing there but palm trees and monkeys. Einstein imagined that modern physics does not solve global problems, and came to their solution. All these people and hundreds of thousands of others pictured in their imagination what they wanted to come to. If you are hatching a super-stupid plan for some project, most likely, the opinion leaders of our time will be with you than with those who criticize you.
A person who has never made mistakes, has never tried to do anything new.
Never be afraid to make mistakes. Error and failure are two different things. Mistakes can make you better, smarter, and faster if you learn the lessons you've been taught correctly. Discover the power of making mistakes. If you want to succeed, triple the number of mistakes you make.
I never think about the future — it comes here and now.
You can't change tomorrow or yesterday. The only thing that matters is what you do today.
One should strive to be meaningful, not successful.
Focus your attention on creating value, not on success. By creating value for others, you will attract success.
Try to understand what talents and abilities you have, what you do best. Try to channel these qualities into creating value, and you will definitely see positive results.
Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and at the same time waiting for different results.
It really is. A simple example from life: I'm trying to lose weight. For some reason, it seems to me that in order to lose weight, I need to eat less — I exhaust myself with stupid diets, my energy drops to the level of the baseboard, the result of this self-sacrifice is minimal, and I think it's all nonsense. And this happens quite often: as soon as I am dissatisfied with myself, I start drinking tea for weight loss and eating half a bucket less, and all this with zero result. But what if I add sports here, a nutritionist's consultation (do not spare money), the right daily routine and nutrition, which ultimately, with much less effort, will give a cool result.
Pure information is not knowledge. The real data source is experience.
You can read hundreds of books about business, but without trying to create your first company, you will not learn anything. Experience is one of your most important assets, which increases over the years.
You should learn the rules of the game. And after that you will play like no other.
No matter how stupid and naive it may sound, you must understand and delve into the rules of the game in this or that area. Your next step: promise yourself to play better than the others. If you do these two things, success will be on your side.