The doctor, himself a former programmer and designer, investigated common health problems in the IT-oriented population.
Bad dream
Insomnia and intermittent sleep are the most common complaints of his patients. If you wake up at night and can't fall asleep for 10-15 minutes, then in no case stay in bed. Read and listen to calm music. When you turn on your laptop while lying in bed, or start watching TV, it will subconsciously force your body to repeat the same thing the next night. If this happens again and again, it will become a habit.
Incorrect location of the monitor screen, small font, too light or dark screen – all these are the main causes of chronic headache.
Back pain
It usually appears when there are serious overloads while working at the computer. Incorrect posture, an unregulated chair and the same monitor often cause this ailment.
Set up your workplace so that you are comfortable.
Weak focus of attention
This problem is directly related to poor sleep. In people who sleep well, it has not been noted. So get back to a good sleep!