If you have a headache, do not rush to take pills. They may save you from headaches, but they won't add to your health — that's for sure. So before you climb into the first aid kit, try a few yoga exercises that can cope with a headache better than pills.
The causes of headache may be different. It can be tension in the neck, hunched shoulders or back pain. The poses below help to remove these problems and thus get rid of headaches. It is not necessary to perform all 6. You can choose any one, and if it doesn't help, try another one. The main thing before that is to listen to your body and understand what else besides your head hurts.
As I have already said, sometimes a headache can be caused by clamps in the cervical spine. Sitting in a comfortable position, place your right hand on the left side of your head and tilt your head slightly to the right.
Stay in this position for a few breaths and change sides. During this exercise, the hand puts quite a bit of pressure on the head, stretching the cervical vertebrae.During this exercise, it is not necessary to completely put the foot on the floor (this can be done by people with a good stretch).
This pose helps to remove tension from your shoulders, as the wrists and forearms take the main load on themselves and at the same time the blood flow to the head increases.
Another exercise with a forward tilt, which is ideal if the headache is caused by tension in the shoulders. Sit on the floor so that there is a small distance between the shins and they lie parallel to each other. Bring your hands behind your back into the lock and slowly bend forward until your head touches the floor, folding into a slightly modified pose of the child.
Stay in this position for about 5 counts and do not forget to breathe deeply. Pull your arms back so that you feel a slight stretch in the chest, shoulders and back of the neck.
This exercise stretches the back of the neck and reduces tension in the back, which is also a common cause of headaches.
During this exercise, do not place your hands too wide or far from your back. This pose makes your head light and light, stay in it for 5 counts. And if you feel comfortable enough in it, you can stay there a little longer.
The pose is called "Happy Baby" and it helps to get rid of the headache that is caused by clamps in the back.
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your arms wrapped around your hips or feet from the outside. Stay in this position for a few minutes, you can swing a little from side to side and back and forth in order to increase stretching in the hips and lower back.
Lay a blanket near the wall and take some pillows. Sit as close to the wall as possible — so that your pelvis and lower back fit snugly against the folded towel. Lie on your back, lift your legs up and spread out to the sides as far as your tendons allow, spread your arms to the sides.
Close your eyes and breathe calmly, stay in this position as long as you feel comfortable.