From sports equipment, you will still need something: expanders, a step and a roller under your back.
Below are the names of the exercises and at what minute of the video they are performed.
«Rocking Ankle Mobilization» — (1:11).
Upper back and shoulders
«Quadrupedthoracic Rotation»- the exercise is shown at the very beginning of the video.
«Foam roller extension» (1:47).
«Wall Slides» (2:13).
«Band Pullaparts» (2:28).
«Sleeper Stretch» (2:43) – hold for 15-30 seconds.
«X-Band Walk» (2:52).
«Scap Pushups» (3:50).
«Band Shoulder Dislocations» (4:05).
«Spidermans» (0:11).
«Hip Flexor Mobilization» (0:22).
«Rear Foot Elevated Hip Mobilization» (0:35).
«Reverse Lunge» (0:49).
«Knee to Knee Stretch»h (1:35) – you can stay in this position for 15-30 seconds.
«Quadruped Hip Extension» (1:04 – perfectly works out the gluteal muscles).
Whole body
«Squat to Stand» (1:22).
«Bodyweight/Assisted Squats» (3:25).
Bonus: stretching in static
«Hip Hinge Hold» (3:06).
«Hip Flexor Stretch» (3:17).
«Quad Stretc» (3:21).
You stay in these positions for 30-60 seconds.
Choose any of these exercises and practice for 5 minutes.
Once again, I remind you that the parentheses do not indicate the time during which it is proposed to perform the exercises, but the time interval of the video on which you can see an example of performing these exercises.