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3 Ways to Protect Joints during Intense Workouts

17 Jan 2024, 00:01, parser
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1. Choose the right shoes

Not only in size. It is necessary to take into account the model of sneakers. The training versions are different What Are Training Shoes — and Should You Wear Them Instead of Sneakers? / Real Simple it differs from the basic ones in many ways, but the main thing for joint health is a strong foot fixation and a flexible shock—absorbing sole, which makes sudden movements like jumping safer.

It is better to choose models designed for a specific sport. For example, running shoes have a higher sole on the heel than on the toe. This makes the landing of the foot on the ground soft. And the models for classes in the gym have practically no difference, so that the shoes do not spring and the feet stand firmly on the floor during strength exercises.

2. Do not forget about the warm-up and proper technique

Incorrect body position, for example, removing the knees by the feet or bringing them inside during squats, leads to Knee Pain When Squatting / Knee Pain Explained to redistribute the load, and the joints have to strain harder. Over time, their condition worsens. For example, incorrect jumping or running technique can cause Prevent boredom, injury during physical activity / Mayo Clinic patellofemoral pain syndrome: the knee will ache even when walking normally or sitting for a long time.

Another important point: any workout should include a warm-up. Warming up exercises "accelerate Shao-Lan Zhang et al. Effects of exercise therapy on knee joint function and synovial fluid cytokine levels in patients with knee osteoarthritis / Spandidos Publications " synovial fluid is a natural joint lubricant that makes movements smoother and safer.

3. Keep an eye on the balance of vitamins and minerals

In the intensive training mode, it is worth monitoring the norm of useful elements especially carefully. Omega-3 is able to maintain the health and proper functioning of joints Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acid For Joint Health / Sprint Medical , calcium Vitamin and Mineral Guide for Arthritis / Arthritis Foundation (plus vitamin D3 for its absorption), magnesium Vitamin and Mineral Guide for Arthritis / Arthritis Foundation , collagen D. Martínez-Puig, E. Costa-Larrión, N. Rubio-Rodríguez, P. Gálvez-Martín. Collagen Supplementation for Joint Health: The Link between Composition and Scientific Knowledge / Nutrients and vitamin C Vitamin and Mineral Guide for Arthritis / Arthritis Foundation . And vitamin B6 can be useful for restoring and reducing painful sensations Vitamin and Mineral Guide for Arthritis / Arthritis Foundation and polyphenols Useful products for joints and cartilage / Roskachestvo . All these elements are present in the usual food: fish, poultry, dairy products, legumes, cereals, fruits, vegetables and nuts. Therefore, a varied and balanced diet is a friend of any athlete.

In order for the joints to feel comfortable even during strenuous workouts, they sometimes need additional support.

Anton Vyacheslavovich Naumov
Expert of the International Scientific Conference on the state and prospects of development of medicine in high-performance sports "SportMed-2023".

According to a systematic review, the prevalence of osteoarthritis of the knee joint in former athletes is Fernanda O. Madaleno, Bruna A. Santos, Vanessa L. Araújo, Vinicius C. Oliveira, Renan A. Resende. Prevalence of knee osteoarthritis in former athletes: a systematic review with meta-analysis / Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy 30%. At the same time, predisposing factors include chronic injury. Injuries and injuries, overloads disrupt the biomechanics of joints. The focus on athletic performance contributes to the appearance of a shift in recovery periods due to early loads: when an athlete returns to training without waiting for tissue repair.

You can contact a specialist. He will tell you how to adjust your diet and whether you need to supplement it with supplements. In the line of the company "Nizhpharm" there are "Arthrasport" and "Arthrasport". These are dietary supplements with components that can be useful for athletes' joints. Arthrasport contains unsaponifiable fractions of avocado and soy bean oils, vitamins B6, C, manganese and magnesium, and Arthrasport contains a liquid form of collagen. Dietary supplements were presented in December at the scientific conference "SportMed-2023".

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