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Reader's advice: How to rent an apartment without intermediaries is an unusual method

03 May 2023, 08:32, parser
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This material was written by Igor Matveenkov, a regular reader of Lifehacker.

A few words about intermediaries. When the owner of the apartment has a desire to rent it, he just needs to call the agent and he will quickly organize the whole process. The intermediary most often takes 50% or 100% commission from the applicant from the monthly cost of hiring. At the same time, the agent does not become a party to the contract and is not responsible for anything.

Today, when Internet services directly bring together sellers and buyers of a variety of goods and services, it looks wild that there is still a place for the human factor in the apartment rental market. But the force of inertia and banal laziness will determine this state of affairs, it is very difficult to find an ad for renting an apartment directly from the owner. Indeed, you need to force yourself to register on the site of free ads, enter a description and post a photo of your apartment.

Together with those who are fundamentally not ready to pay large sums of money to incomprehensible people for what, they can figure out how to search for "direct" ads. I will be glad for additions to this article in your comments, we will try to collect as much information as possible.


"Direct" ads are hard to find.


The search in the publications of users for the queries "rent an apartment" gives too few results. But pay attention to the following groups: ,


The most interesting social network for finding an apartment / room. There are 2 ways to search here.

Screen Shot 2013-05-20 at 10.15.43

1. Groups

Pay attention to large closed groups:

And various open ones:

2. Global VKontakte Search

The most interesting...

We type "rent an apartment" into the search and select the "news" tab in the results. All publications from the walls of the network users are issued here. Further search for "direct" ads is like washing gold from river sand. Fine-tuning the search would help a lot, but there are none. You will have to wade through numerous ads from real estate companies, private agents, ads from other cities, numerous duplicates of humor jokes containing search words, dozens of identical ads from people clogging up the entire search. But in the end, you will definitely find what you are looking for.

Other sites

There are quite a few ads on the site pretending to be private, but posted by agents. But nevertheless, I would recommend looking there, because there are also "direct" ads. This is often seen by the style of the text and its details. Don't forget to select "private" ads on the search results page in the upper right corner.

The site positions itself as a platform for direct rental housing, but there are very few ads.

The site is similar to CYAN (a database of apartments from agents), there are few ads.

Good luck in your search and be careful!

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