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The 5 most dangerous tourist routes in the world

29 May 2023, 13:59, parser
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1. Walking on the boards on Mount Huashan in China

Mount Huashan in China is a sacred place for followers of Taoism. And it is also one of the most popular and dangerous attractions of the Celestial Empire.

At the top of the mountain there is a temple where you can drink tea and meditate. But to get to it, you will have to overcome Mount Huashan Plank Walk, Cliffside Path: Location, Cost / the path is 100 meters long. That's just going to have to walk on boards with a total width of 30 centimeters, and even at an altitude of 2,000 meters.

A safety rope is required, but even despite this precaution, tourists periodically die on the mountain. And this does not prevent dozens and hundreds of thrill-seekers from gathering regularly China’s Mount Hua, Huashan Considered Most Dangerous Hike in the World / Insider on these dilapidated catwalks.

2. Inca Ladder from Machu‑Picchu to Wayne‑Picchu in Peru

Ruins of Machu‑Picchu is one of the most remarkable places in South America. It is very easy to get to them, and there are not many tourists there. But behind the ancient city lies a much more elusive goal — the ruins of Wayne‑Picchu. There is a truly magnificent view of the ancient dilapidated citadel.

Get there Huayna Picchu: The Stairs of Death / from one city to another, you will have to walk along a worn 183‑meter staircase built more than 500 years ago. Add to this the fact that the path is located at an altitude of 2,720 meters above sea level. On one side there is a damp stone wall, on the other — a cliff two and a half kilometers deep. Insurance and fencing are not provided. Good luck.

died on this ladder German tourist falls to his death while posing for photo atop Machu Picchu / The Washington Post a lot of people. For example, in 1997, an American tourist fell from here and crashed to her death. In 2004‑ a Russian was struck by lightning here. In 2013, a German tourist died as a result of a rockfall, and three more died in the same year simply from heart attacks. That is, the view from this staircase alone can kill.

3. Route through the Dragon Mountains in South Africa

Image: Zeger Knaepen / Flickr

This tourist route is located in the Natal National Park in South Africa. Its length is 240 kilometers, and the journey N. Norman, G. Whitfield. Geological Journeys: A Traveller’s Guide to South Africa’s Rocks and Landforms it takes from 10 days to two weeks.

To get to the foot of the Dragon Mountains, you will have to climb rope ladders at a steep cliff. Then you will pass Drakensberg Grand Traverse / Hiking South Africa through rocky deserts, slopes overgrown with dense grasses, and harsh spurs at an altitude of thousands of meters. The movement here is fraught with enormous difficulties. No signs, no visible trails — it's easy to get lost.

The savagery of the situation is added by the wild animals that are found here N. Norman, G. Whitfield. Geological Journeys: A Traveller’s Guide to South Africa’s Rocks and Landforms in abundance: and what you wanted — Africa. Especially pleasing are wild rhinos, which can trample you just in case, black wildebeest with a bad temper, periodically occurring leopards and poisonous snakes.

Naturally, from time to time go missing in these places Still no trace of missing Drakensberg hiker / Witness tourists.

4. Royal Trail in El Chorro Gorge in Spain

The Royal Trail is a structure of railway rails and crutches driven into the rocks, located between the Chorro and Gaitanejo waterfalls in Spain. It was built I want to visit the Caminito del Rey / CTR La Garganta workers in 1905 to facilitate their access to the construction site of the Conde del Guadalorce hydrotechnical dam.

After the construction was completed, Alfonso XIII walked along the path, heading to the opening ceremony of the dam. In honor of this event, the place was named "El Caminito del Rey" — "The Path of the King". And since then, for almost a hundred years, all sorts of extreme people and lovers of tickling their nerves have been walking along this bridge to enjoy Plataforma de reservas / Caminito del Rey a view of a giant canyon, blue rivers and green picturesque valleys below.

Despite the fact that the trail was reconstructed E. Hibbs. The Rough Guide to Andalucia and installed mesh fencing, handrails and safety carabiners for visitors, tourists still periodically die here. In memory of the victims, there is a marble plaque with their names at the beginning of the journey, which serves as a kind of warning for the unwary.

5. Labyrinth in the Canyonlands National Park in the USA

Image: David Wirzba / Unsplash

As you can understand from the name, there are a lot of canyons in the park. And at its most remote point, they gather into a structure called . The Maze — Canyonlands National Park / U.S. National Park Service a maze.

Every year, only about 2,000 tourists visit the park, because it's even easy to get The Maze — Canyonlands National Park / U.S. National Park Service to the place — the task is still the same. To do this, you will first need to overcome the arid steep slopes of the Canyonlands, crossed by numerous cliffs and ravines.

The labyrinth is a system of narrow cracks, caves and passages in the rocks, in which you can easily get lost. Park staff and rescuers regularly have to get lost tourists out of there. If they are not found in time, they will die from heat and thirst during the day or from cold at night. And if you get stuck Farther Than It Looks—Backpacking the Canyonlands Maze / The Big Outside in one of the transitions — and all the writing is gone.

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