A few days ago, a number of popular Western resources (including John Gruber's Daring Fireball blog) told about the release of the Mémoires program. This is the development of our compatriot Dmitry Honest, better known for his blog client BlogJet.
Mémoires is a program for keeping a personal diary. Many mistakenly compared the program with blog clients, but in vain. A blog is always kept for the sake of visitors, while a personal diary cannot have readers other than its author. Mémoires is a program with a very simple interface. The user simply adds new entries day after day. No means are provided for cataloging the storage of notes. You can only search in the archives (and the search is performed as you type).Mémoires can be used as just a diary, adding your experiences there, and keeping a kind of professional log.
Initially, the author was going to release the development under a shareware license, but now the program is free. Probably, Mémoires should be considered as a «pen test» — Dmitry himself said that he was working on a larger project for Mac.
If anyone knows more Russian developers of shareware programs for Mac, tell us in the comments.