It's impossible, right? In fact, it is quite difficult, but quite realistic. To do this, you need to think outside the box in order to find more effective ways to complete tasks. And here are some recommendations.
Rule 80/20
It lies in the fact that a small proportion (20%) of your efforts lead to a larger proportion (80%) of the results. Thus, the remaining 80% of the effort and time spent have nothing to do with the final result. They need to be reduced, for example, spend less time checking mail, do more on large projects, deal with basic concepts, not small details.
Parkinson's Law
It says that any job will fill all the time allotted for it. Therefore, set clear deadlines for each task.
It is opposed to time management (energy management vs time management): intensive work for a short period will lead to greater results than everyday tedious work.
— Work alternately. Clearly separate full rest and full focus at work.
— Destroy projects. Do not divide them into parts to spend several hours over several days. Just sit down and finish the project in one go.
-Ootdyh, health, entertainment. The better your body gets rested, the better it will be able to concentrate on work.
Everyone should do their own thing
Don't waste your time doing something you don't know how to do. Delegate this to those who are better versed in it in this case.
Assumptions can take a lot of your time. Even if your intuition tells you, always check your assumptions with numbers. They will help you save hundreds of hours.
Quality limit
You should stop working on a project when additional efforts lead to less result than if you were performing other tasks of comparable complexity. Try taking 30, 60, or 90 minutes a day to check your mail, and then compare the results.
Save time by working more efficiently!
via 6 Rules to Work Less and Get More Accomplished