How many times have you looked at yourself in the mirror with an unpleasant feeling, wanted to change something in yourself, said to yourself "I'll start on Monday", but it all ended with this thought? Perhaps this material will help you to understand yourself and make your dreams come true.
It doesn't matter if you want to get rid of painful fullness in order to avoid health consequences in the future (if they have not already appeared), or to rock a chic press, be honest with yourself — only what motivates you the most will help you. And do not pay attention to those who consider your goal strange and incomprehensible to him, this is primarily your goal.
Self-improvement, career growth, education improvement, sports achievements, communication, financial control and attractive appearance — this list can be continued indefinitely. Those who have not used goal setting for guidance and motivation, attribute everything to the uselessness of this technique. But there are many people who constantly set goals and go to them, thereby revealing their true potential.
You need to know where you want to get to before you have a chance to achieve that goal. Setting goals helps us block out distractions in life by focusing our attention on specific tasks. It helps us to prioritize our lives. This gives us the opportunity to use our powers and abilities and use them to achieve maximum effect.
Without a goal, we simply live the moments of our life, perform any actions without having a clearly designated destination. Time passes, and we remain in the same place, having achieved nothing, having changed nothing in our lives. The active pursuit of achieving our goals propels us forward and upward to new heights.
Most people, wanting to change something in their body, treat it more as a hobby than as a real sports activity. This is their mistake.
Athletes and coaches know and understand the power of goal setting. During the offseason or at the beginning of the season, players and teams set specific goals for the coming year. They then develop a concrete action plan to achieve these goals. They start with small steps, reaching the immediate goals that are right in front of them, and then begin to achieve exponentially greater and greater successes until the final goal is achieved.
Football is a great example. The ultimate goal is to win the Super Bowl, but it all starts with simple off-season workouts and training programs. Then there are training camps and preseason games. The goal is to win in the first week, and then in each subsequent one. Over the course of the season, the stakes rise, and with them the efforts spent on advancing to the cherished goal increase.
Ambitious goals motivate athletes to work hard and train seriously. This helps them to work despite all the routine that accompanies them throughout the playing season. This gives them a reason to make the sacrifices necessary to succeed.You must have a reason not to eat a chocolate cookie that looks seductively in your face, a reason to train even when you feel tired and unmotivated, or when work is driving you crazy. The reason is to do a few more reps even when the muscles are already burning. A short-term goal gives us this motivation. "I want a beautiful body."