The online client for reading RSS feeds from Google has never attracted me. Its first version had such a "revolutionary" interface that it was simply inconvenient to use it. Then, when Google improved and improved its service by adding amazing features (for example, automatic loading of records when scrolling the window), I still couldn't bring myself to switch to Google Reader :) However, the talented British designer John Hicks managed to convince me. He made his own design for Google Reader, made in the style of applications for macOS. Here is a screenshot showing the result of his work (the picture is clickable):
In my opinion, it has become easier, cleaner and more beautiful to look. If you want to transform Google Reader in this way, you will need:
As John writes, the new design of Google Reader will also be able to be used by users of Mac browsers — Safari, Camino and Omniweb.
[Google Reader Theme]