An acquaintance, to whose opinion we are accustomed to listen, knowledgeably stated that all trends have a duplicitous nature. If it's fashionable to watch movies about zombies now, then a general boom is about to begin on, no, not on meat. On vegetarianism. Eating meat is for the living dead, and vegetables and fish are for those who are going to live happily ever after.
Vegetarianism can be called a new religion with a clear conscience. The rejection of meat food was first proclaimed by the British vegetarian Community in 1842. Did you know that yogis consider meat to be the cause of the depravity of the characters of most modern people – it makes our thoughts low, and our behavior aggressive?
Remember, for novice vegetarians, fish, seafood and cheeses are a mandatory part of the diet. Otherwise, an organism accustomed to animal proteins will rebel, and a person will not get any benefit from it.The most common argument of chicken and duck lovers is that only with meat the body receives the 22 amino acids necessary for life, which are not synthesized independently and are absorbed with protein food. It turns out that all the same amino acids can be found in fish and seafood with the same success. Plus, they are more easily absorbed by the body (on average, a person assimilates fish protein by 98%, and meat protein by 89%) and at the same time replenish the reserves of vitamins and trace elements.
Fish is easier to cook in a dietary way. Few meat-eaters cook their meat with blood, often preferring a fried cue ball with carcinogenic substances. Red fish can be cooked in minutes, and some varieties can even be eaten raw.
Japanese fish-eaters, although forced to sit on a seafood diet because of poverty, now proudly bear the title of centenarians. By the way, Asian women have fewer wrinkles, and men do not have the problem of early baldness.
Try to measure your efficiency and efficiency after a week without meat – you will be very surprised.
And if you want to dig deeper into the fish topic, then join the fish eaters group on Facebook*.
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