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What kind of fast food is better not to eat ever

22 May 2023, 13:13, parser
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The answer, it would seem, is simple: any! But it is also clear that for various reasons, we will still have a snack in a fast food cafe from time to time. And it will be useful to find out what you can still eat there, and what is better to avoid by all means. This was told by people who have worked in fast food chains themselves for some time. Of course, management in the food network also plays an important role. Some cafes keep a brand and do not allow themselves to cook badly for their visitors, but many sacrifice quality for the sake of greater profit and easier work.

So, here is a list of the most dangerous products that you can find in fast food establishments:

1. Ice and ice cream

It is very difficult and expensive to keep the equipment for cooking these dishes clean. You can often find traces of mold there. Ice is made from dirty water.

2. Chicken McNuggets from McDonald's

"I haven't worked at McDonald's for a long time, but I remember one picture. I accidentally left a bag with a hundred frozen nuggets on the table. And they just melted! I.e. completely. They turned into some kind of goo, faintly resembling delicious pieces of chicken."

"Nuggets are a thousand times processed chicken meat, and you can't even call it meat. Mixed with water and additives. Yes, it's like furniture from IKEA. Leave it in the water and it will turn into wood porridge. Because the material from which it is made is as far from real wood as nuggets are from real chicken."

"I heard that it was before 2003. And now all the nuggets are made of normal, one hundred percent chicken white meat. And they won't melt like they used to."

3. Fried chicken, fish, meat

Of course, readers can reasonably object that if you don't have all this, then nothing will remain. Just be careful, and if the hamburger you bought is suspicious, give it up.

"I worked at Burger King and I want to tell you something about the butter cycle. Pour the oil into the vat, French fries are cooked in this oil for two days. Tons of potatoes. Then it becomes too dark for her and it is poured into a vat for cooking chicken. In it, she is preparing for about a week. The oil becomes quite dark. And then it is poured into a vat for cooking fish."

"In the McDuck, hamburger meat looks disgusting. Only sauces make it appetizing."

"I probably won't surprise anyone if I tell you how Chili is prepared in Wendy. It uses meat that has been fried too hard, and it cannot be used in burgers. They put it in the refrigerator, and when it's time to cook Chili, they take it out. It seems not dangerous, but somehow not very appetizing ..."

4. Subway Food

Those who have worked at Subway, having entered this institution, can immediately understand what can be ordered today and what is not. Be careful and you. If it seems to you that the product is a strange color, that it looks stale, if it seems to you that the sandwich maker is careless or that the place is too garbage, it's better to leave right away.

"When I worked as a sandwich maker in Subway, the only product that caused me persistent disgust was seafood salad, which was put in a sandwich. It is made from crab sticks, which, as you know, are just an imitation of a crab, and is generously seasoned with mayonnaise. It's killer when customers also ask for extra mayonnaise!"

"Chicken breasts are taken out of the refrigerator at the beginning of the day and put in water, where they stay all day. And the leftovers in the evening need to be squeezed out and put back in the refrigerator. The procedure is repeated the next day. After a few days, the chicken breast softens and smells disgusting. So, don't order sandwiches with it, choose a different kind of chicken."

"Say no to tuna, seafood salad and other mixes like teriyaki chicken! All this is mixed with hands without gloves. Mayonnaise is present in the mixtures, and salads with it cannot stand all day, they spoil. In addition, the new mixture is added to the remains of the old one."

"Stay away from cutlets, soups and meatballs."

"Ask the sandwich maker to change his gloves before he cooks your sandwich. Most likely, you will receive rays of hatred from him, but you will save yourself from a good portion of germs."

"I was fired from Subway for putting too many olives in sandwiches..."

5. Sauces/seasonings

If they bring you sauce in a bottle, think about whether this bottle was washed before pouring a new portion of sauce into it? And they are also confused by breadsticks, which are usually served as a compliment in Italian restaurants. Perhaps you got a stick that the previous visitor did not want to eat.

Bonus tip: don't go into the cafe before closing

Hardly 20 minutes before closing, for example, a pizzeria, a fresh dish will be prepared for you. So you can only claim the leftovers that have been standing all day waiting for your buyer. And it is absolutely certain that their taste qualities and usefulness have been seriously affected by this.

In the end, we specifically left some positive reviews about fast food, so that you understand that everything is not so gloomy, and in some places it is quite possible to afford to eat without harm to health.

"I worked at Whataburger in a small town and I want to say that everyone there was just obsessed with cleanliness. We spent whole days washing, cleaning and cleaning something."

"I worked at the pizzeria Little Caesar. Every day we prepared fresh dough 12 hours before cooking pizza (according to technology). All sauces and other expired products were discarded. We didn't wash the pizza trays, we just threw them away and took new ones. The rest of the dishes were carefully processed."

"When I worked at Subway, we were very concerned about cleanliness and washed our hands literally every 5 minutes"

And what kind of fast food would you personally never eat?

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