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How to lose weight quickly

22 May 2023, 13:13, parser
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In addition to aesthetic and moral suffering, excess weight almost always causes serious health problems, including diseases of the musculoskeletal system, heart problems, high blood pressure and so on.

Try to follow the rules set out below, and in a short time you will feel the first changes. Of course, it will be hard to change your habits immediately, so try the following trick. Choose the 5 rules from this list that you like the most and stick to them for 2 weeks. Then add one new rule every week. Thus, it can take from 4 weeks to 6 months to achieve the ideal weight for you.

1. Always keep water with you

It doesn't matter if you follow a diet, want to remove your tummy or just take care of your health, the advice for everyone is the same: always and everywhere take a bottle of plain water with you. This way you can quench your thirst without buying sweet juices or soda. Try to stick to this advice for at least a week, and you will see the difference for yourself.

2. Give up soda

One glass of lemonade has more calories than a banana, but no nutritional value.

3. Don't relax

If you have reached the weight you were aiming for, it does not mean that it is time to rest on your laurels. Don't stop training. Do not stop eating right. Keep living in the same rhythm to keep yourself in shape. Remember that this is not only a matter of appearance, but also of health in general.

4. Don't starve yourself

Carissa Gan/

Belly fat will not disappear faster from a hunger strike. You need to cut calories (especially empty ones), but in order to lose weight and feel good, it is important to eat right. A hunger strike is dangerous and useless. If you do not want to disrupt the metabolism, try not to skip breakfast, lunch and dinner.

5. Don't give up if you can't lose weight fast

After a couple of weeks, you may find that the arrow on the scale is frozen in place and the extra centimeters on the waist do not disappear. Don't drop the case halfway! This is a good sign: your body is gradually getting used to positive changes. Go ahead. You are closer to your goal than ever.

6. Break your diet into 5 small meals

Instead of eating tightly the standard three times a day, stick to the rule of 5 small meals: a light breakfast, a snack before lunch, lunch, afternoon tea and a balanced dinner. And it is desirable that as a snack there was not a chocolate bar, but something more useful.

7. Wait 20 minutes to feel full after eating

The feeling of satiety does not appear immediately, your body needs a little time to realize it. That is why nutritionists often recommend eating slowly and taking small breaks during meals. Otherwise, you can easily overeat and negate all your achievements in terms of weight loss.

8. Choose the right clothes

You can have a great figure, but if you squeeze yourself into too tight jeans every morning, it begins to seem that the upper part is very massive, and the stomach bulges. Don't be afraid to switch to a bigger size. No matter how ironic it sounds, you will seem slimmer.

9. Do you need cardio training

In addition to fat burning exercises, to get rid of excess weight, do cardio. Just 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week. What exercises are considered cardio? Everything that makes your heart beat faster: jump with a rope or on a trampoline, dance, run, climb stairs.

10. Don't be tempted to buy advertised weight loss products

We remember once and for all: if you see a paid diet program, pills, special belts or other means, the advertising of which promises to instantly get rid of excess weight, do not be fooled. The only true and effective way to get rid of fat is to change your diet and do physical exercises. Be skeptical about new trends and products. Most likely, they will turn into a waste of time and money for you.

11. Don't worry about the scales

Brooke Cagle /

No need to get up on the scales ten times a day and worry about minor changes. Our weight is subject to fluctuations for natural reasons. In addition, when you lose fat and gain muscle mass, you start to look different, but the scales will not tell you about it. Make it a rule to get on the scales no more than once every one to two weeks.

12. Keep track of the portion size

How to determine the correct serving size? We have already considered this problem in detail. For example, the ideal portion of meat is the size of a deck of cards. It is better to eat at home and cook on your own: in cafes and restaurants, portions, as a rule, exceed all reasonable sizes.

13. Swim

If you don't exercise regularly, you won't get rid of the extra pounds. One of the most enjoyable and fun workouts, especially in summer, is swimming. Water resistance has the best effect on muscles and joints. Moreover, it is also a great cardio.

14. Watch your posture

Do you want to quickly get rid of a couple of extra centimeters? Pull in your stomach, straighten your shoulders, hold your head high — and now you already seem slimmer. By keeping the abdominal muscles in tension, you will burn belly fat faster. And it is much easier to breathe deeply with a straight posture.

15. Read what is written on the package

Even in products made specifically for those who want to lose weight, you can find unpleasant chemical additives and much more calories than you need. Always check what is written on the labels of food and beverages.

16. Lose weight together

Gabriel Gurrola/

It is always easier to stick to a diet and a training program in the company of a friend. Enlist his help, and together you will get your bodies in shape. The competitive spirit also helps. But don't forget to support each other in their endeavors.

17. Never skip breakfast

Skipping breakfast, you force your body to make fat reserves. If you don't have a snack after a few hours of sleep, your body goes into "starvation mode". And this is very bad news for metabolism: you begin to save energy and burn calories more slowly. Nutritionists unanimously say: the best breakfast is a hearty breakfast.

18. Sleep more

If you sleep less than 7-8 hours a day, it will be difficult for you to find energy for exercise and stick to proper nutrition. People with chronic fatigue have a much lower metabolic rate. Therefore, try to get a good night's sleep every night.

19. Reduce or completely eliminate alcohol consumption

Alcohol does not have the best effect on the liver: the consumption of alcoholic beverages slows down the natural process of fat burning by the body. If you really want to, limit yourself to a glass of red wine. Of course, a casual cocktail will not put your entire diet at risk, but, as in many other situations, moderation is important here.

20. Avoid stress

It may sound strange, but because of stress you gain extra weight. Not only because in a problematic situation you run to eat up your grief. When you experience stress, your body releases hormones that lead to changes in metabolism.

21. Get a daily dose of sunlight

Reymark Franke/

Spending more time in the sun and fresh air makes you happier (just don't forget about water and sunscreen). The body needs vitamin D, which is formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet light. Due to stress, your body begins to produce more and more cortisol, thereby contributing to the accumulation of fat. Vitamin D counteracts this hormone, plus gives you more energy.

22. Use less salt

Due to the fact that you over-salt the dishes, your body begins to retain water. As a result, you get a bloated belly. Try to gradually reduce the amount of salt in your diet.

23. Have fun with training

If you do not get joy from the process, it will not lead to anything good. Therefore, it is important to choose the exercises that you really like. Do you like dancing? Dance. Do you prefer fitness or aerobics? Sign up for the gym. Ice skating, badminton, football… Choose what you like best. And then everything will definitely work out.

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