Students of all ages should keep more and more information in mind: work, study and all these distractions like their interests and addictions. How do you keep your concentration on the subject of study and prepare for classes every evening?
This is not easy, given that the amount of knowledge required by a professional is constantly increasing. That is why we give some tips for improving memorization and concentration on the material.
Write down everything you have learned: is it not new? But do you write down everything you need? Keep a notebook with you whenever possible.
Analyze what you've done regularly: just think about how much information you get every day. That's why you just need 10-15 minutes in the evening to review what you learned, what you did and what you still forgot.
Breathe: The oxygen level in the blood is very important for improving memory and concentration. Start the day with physical exercises and interrupt it periodically for deep breathing sessions, which we have already written about.
Record even more: Write down even those thoughts and ideas that are not related to what you are doing right now. The recorded can be postponed, freeing the brain for the current work. After reviewing the notes later, you will be able to outline a plan for the implementation of ideas, if they are worth it.
Do only one task: If you are working at a computer or your phone is next to you, then the temptation to do several things at once is great. In addition to work, you will want to view your mail, log in to Facebook* or watch the news. It's not worth it! Concentrate on the subject you are currently studying and you will finish this task faster and with a longer lasting effect.
Find associations: A good way to remember a new fact or idea is to tie it to a fact or idea that you have known for a long time. Even linking to a place or an anecdote will help perfectly.
Divide into portions: study the information in small but logically connected chunks. This will make it easier to store knowledge in memory, and then — remember along the associative chain.
Take a look back at your childhood: there is a reason why we still remember children's songs and facts peeped at in the ABVGDIKE: use short phrases and poems in order to memorize long lists or facts. These phrases become keys to memories, like the first lines of a poem or the beginning of a melody.
How to Maximize Your Memory [ Jason Womack ]
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